Monday, July 20, 2015

11928 Palms Blvd

In early 2011, the homeowners replaced the lawn with a meadow comprised mostly of native plants and grasses. The turf was mostly dead from construction; the remaining bits dug out the remainder. No herbicides were used.

The owners were inspired by "American Meadow" designs by John Greenlee and wanted to create a natural-looking, water-wise ecosystem that incorporated the three principles of an Ocean Friendly Garden: conservation, permeability and retention.

They kept existing mature Camellias and trees and planted a variety of California native and climate appropriate grasses, bulbs, ferns and flowering perennials that thrive in clay soil, provide wildlife habitat and bloom at various times during the year. 

A swale in the front yard is the main attraction with its colorful Iris, Coral Bells, and Meadow Foam blooms. Wildlife activity has noticeably increased since the meadow installation, not only in terms of birds, lizards, insects, spiders, but also under the surface, as earthworm populations have grown thanks to a heavy layer of mulch that suppresses weeds and feeds the soil biology.

Maintenance needs are minimal, involving monthly weeding, quarterly applications of compost tea and semiannual pruning, so the owners have time to relax and enjoy the garden. No use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, blowers, mowers or weed whackers is needed; the garden thrives on its own and provides a healthy and attractive environment. 

Other site features to retain water include a decomposed granite center strip in the driveway, two infiltration pits in the back yard, and rain barrels. Pathways are slate stones set on concrete allowing water to infiltrate in between and around them.

A real-time weather-based irrigation controller (ET Water) sets watering schedule according to weather, plant factor, soil texture, and so forth. The front meadow is watered with mini rotators set back 2' from the street to prevent overspray. The perimeter has 1/2" Netafim drip line. The backyard has drip line in some beds, the rest is non-irrigated. Watering times and duration vary depending on weather conditions; some areas get water about once a month, a few small areas weekly, and they water other established areas by hand occasionally a few times a year.

Landscape Architect and garden owner Tom Rau is the landscaper designer.

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